Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why do America's enemies (Hamas, Al Quaida, etc.) support Democrats, in general, and Obama in particular?

Terrorist can and do support a particular politician by means of contributions etc so anyone who thinks that doesn't happen is living in lala land. They support democrats because they feel their needs are met thru these liberals plus they see liberals as a internal means of furthur demoralizing and under mining the country which is their goal. Democrats apparantly don't realize that once terrorist get a toe hold on this country there's no going back to what you had. There's no negotiating no mediating, no agreements it's over. Democrats and libs want to hand it over to the terrorist and sign on with them thinking that it will be just another day when they do. But it's going to cost them their lives and everything they've ever known. We cannot let this country be taken over by fanatical groups domestic or foreign. Conservatives must now make an ertive effort even for those such as liberals, who would destroy themselves.

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