Saturday, August 13, 2011

Religion, but which one ?

Why do so many people, believe in an imaginary God, which is just a figurative of our imagination, wishful thinking really, when we are young, we look up to our parents to guide us and protect us, when we lose our parents, we are sometimes at a loss and look for another protection and guide. We look towards an invisible imaginative super being, which we call God, over the centuries, various tribes; nations etc. have invented their own idea of a God, to suit their belief, the Egyptians for example, pretended their leader was a kind of God, and constructed huge pyramids for their pretend God, which was really a waste of time, they could have constructed more useful buildings etc. and all that toil and labour, was a waste of time? The Aztecs, used to sacrifice some children, to their Mountain God, what a waste of young lives! But worst of all, over the centuries millions of innocent people have been murdered, in the name of a pretend God, different religions are killing each other because, their religion is right [so they think] and all other religions are wrong We now have proof with “The tree of Life” Darwin has conclusive proof, that all life forms are related, it was called “Darwin’s theory” which it was at that time, a theory! DNA had not been invented at that time, but DNA now proves Darwin was right! Do not scoff, until you examine the truth and digest it and you will wonder why the World is in such a mess, when the World could be a living Heaven and not some imaginary Heaven in your mind, where you think you will go when you die, you know what they say at funerals “Ashes to Ashes” there’s a clue, let’s all live together in peace, we have enough problems with nature, floods, droughts, starvation and now global warming, we have much fighting to accomplish, not against each other but against nature, it’s difficult to tame nature, but we have to do our best ! stop killing, we are all going to die sooner or later, the best thing you can do, is to leave this world, a better place, and after many generations, this world will be more like heaven than hell, let’s start NOW

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