Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why won't my body fat go down?

I workout and run every morning at 5 am before work. My food and liquid intake is as follows. Gl of water when I get out of bed. Workout for 15 minutes. Run a mile outside. Then workout for another 15 minutes. After my workout I drink a gl of V8 or OJ. Then take my shower blah blah blah. I drive an hour to work so on the way I drink my big cup of skim milk with chocolate whey protein mixed in. Then mid morning around 10 or so I have a couple handfuls of peanuts. Lunch is usually a turkey sandwich with cheese, mustard, a little mayo and sometimes tomatoes. Or maybe an egg salad sandwich instead. Then around 3 I have a banana. Then at night I eat a salad with either chicken, pork chop, etc...Or lima beans, black eyed peas, brocolli instead of the salad. I have a gl of green tea with my dinner. All other liquids while at work are water. I have a big cup I usually drink anywhere from 3-4 of them a day. And I always drink a gl of water before bed as well. So I get plenty of water. No sodas, no sweets, minimal carbs, minimal fat or processed foods or fried foods. While I have lost weight, and my clothes fit much better, and I look alot better, my body fat % isn't budging and that makes zero sense. I am currently 5' 11 1/2 and 204 so it's not like I am overweight. At least not anymore. Can someone out there explain this to me please? I know I am losing fat and gaining muscle just by looking at my legs, arms, shoulders, stomach, chest, etc.....Which is why my weight hasn't gone down much but the body fat % is a thing for Unsolved Mysteries.

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