Thursday, August 18, 2011

Can you help me?

i read this article a while ago and i can't figure out what this sentence means.........the article was titled when bad things happen to good people. one sentence read that "Bush is still trying to justify not finding weapons of m destruction when all that was found on Saddam Hussein was a pistol he was carrying." my question is, is that a pro-bush statement or an anti-bush one? what does it mean? btw, the rest of the article was non-political.

I have a "family meeting" today..HELP!?!?

If you want them to trust you... again... then you have to tell them the whole truth... where you did lapse as well as where you were set up. Also you could volunteer to be drug tested. It's easy to do and that should totally diffuse your parents' doubts about you... because you brought it up first.

Ornate vintage clic european home decorations in Melbourne?

Go to This website has lots of styles for everyone! You can shop 24-7 and it ships next day!

What Color Are Your Eyes>?

I have heterochroma it means two different colored is very dark brown, with a black dot in my pupil the other is light green like hazel....they change between brown and green almost everyday..

Wouldn't an alien attack be AWSOME?

i hope it happens like halo, we have too fight them and humanity bands together so we can have better space defenses, actually, being mature for a second, an alien invasion would make humanity stronger and make earth safer because if the whole world pulled together to make better space crafts, so if meteors and things like that also attacked us, we could deter it. plus we'd fight bad-@$$ aliens

What are some things to do to make a guy ask you out?

Me n this guy hav liked eachother since january,but he hasnt asked me out cuz he saids it takes a long time to trust sonebody.and he dosnt want us to breakup like all of his other relantinships and I also asked him will he ask me out in the summer and he said Maybe he might.but we act like a couple and stuff.and he saids he wants us to live together when we get out of highschool..will we ever become something??

"Munich scarf" hypochrisy?

How many people who are crying crocodile tears about some United supporters selling their" Munich " scarves on ebay will make offers when,inevitably, some of the players put their shirts up for auction in Sotherby's in a few years time?.

Obviously the dark knight was heath ledger's best performance and movie..but...?

what do his true fans think his 2nd best movie was??...mine is a knight's tale...i love the comedy and drama mixed together and ledger just lived up to the task just as he did in the dark knight

Does anyone know of a good website to create a crossword puzzle of your own?

I've googled and found ones that make you pay and i just want to do this as a side study project for an exam because i love crosswords. I found a few free ones but i want one that does more than 20+ words seeing as it is for the whole course.

Why do America's enemies (Hamas, Al Quaida, etc.) support Democrats, in general, and Obama in particular?

Terrorist can and do support a particular politician by means of contributions etc so anyone who thinks that doesn't happen is living in lala land. They support democrats because they feel their needs are met thru these liberals plus they see liberals as a internal means of furthur demoralizing and under mining the country which is their goal. Democrats apparantly don't realize that once terrorist get a toe hold on this country there's no going back to what you had. There's no negotiating no mediating, no agreements it's over. Democrats and libs want to hand it over to the terrorist and sign on with them thinking that it will be just another day when they do. But it's going to cost them their lives and everything they've ever known. We cannot let this country be taken over by fanatical groups domestic or foreign. Conservatives must now make an ertive effort even for those such as liberals, who would destroy themselves.

Can you find meaning in this poem?

I think in this poem, the poet is trying to tell us that all that glitters is not gold. Powers is saying that to enjoy life, we have to appreciate and under the melody that poverty brings. We need to be able to sit down and feel the earth, mother nature and our surroundings. Because too often in life, we can get caught up in the trappings of the world, our struggle to attain more wealth, to pay the bills etc. The poet is telling us that life is like a fruit, which falls when it is ripe and even though we are very rich or poor, we will all turn to dust. So we should learn to find happiness through nature in order to obtain true prosperity.

Can u pls give some advice on how i can stop being such a ppl-pleaser and just be myself?thanks for efforts!!!

thanks for the ppl who make a difference in their answers! even if it's short, sweet, and/or simple, a small drop of water can swell an ocean. in other words , it can make a big difference.-thanks so mucho much! btw, i'm 17, if u must know, u know what i mean?

Is the question perhaps worded a bit poorly?

It would seem that the AgNO3 cannot be in excess to solve, but is the exact amount that was required (probably a titration reaction). Since you can calculate the amount of chloride ions this consumes, you can calculate the amount of HCl used. The HCl was the stoichiometric amount, so this gives you the amount of cations reacted. Use the ratio of the mol. m of Zn and Mg to get the mix of cations consumed.

Why do clouds seem to be flat underneath?

Most large puffy clouds (usually ulus) do have flat bottoms and this is determined by the dewpoint temperature. Called the "ceiling", the flat bottoms of the clouds indicate the exact altitude at which dew point temperature is reached (where condensation of water vapor occurs). You may also notice these flat cloud bottoms tend to be closer to you on rainy days and farther from you (higher up) on nicer days. If it is rainy, the dewpoint is close to being reached right at the surface of the Earth, bringing the clouds closer to you. If it is clear, the dewpoint temperature occurs at a much higher altitude, pushing the clouds higher in the air. So to answer your question, it has more to do with moisture and dewpoint temperature than atmospheric layers. Hope this was helpful.

What would you write to change the story? read to description for the beginning of the story...?

today during recess a large truck pulled into the the school yard. "someone order 100 sponge bob toys." said the truck driver. "and 10 000 pounds of coconut shells and 50 000 gallons of Dr. Pep" The truck driver then began to pull into the soccer fields..................................… does the story continue?

Long Question with me please Ladies?

I am so sorry for your loss, This makes my eyes water. I do feel your pain, hopefully things will be fine shortly for you. Best of wishes to you dear. Take care.

How to do this half-life problem?

The half-life of a radioactive substance is 8 years. This means that half of the substance decays each year. Originally there were 280 milligrams. How much of the original substance is left after 32 years?

Green Bay Packer Fans- question....?

I know the feeling. Last week the defense created turnovers against the Bears and then gave the ball back with an extra 15 yards because of stupid penalties. Today against the Lions, they held when they needed to, but they gave up WAY to many big third down conversions. I think part of the issue is that there are quite a few new guys playing in the secondary. Secondly, our tackling, at least today, was horrible. I think another part is the coaching. It's great to send crazy blitzes when they get to the quarterback, but it becomes a problem if blitzing allows lots of short, underneath completions that turn into big gains because there's no one there to make a tackle.

Im almost 39 weeks pregnant and i got my membranes stripped monday and im having really bad period like cramps?

they hurt in my lower back, my sides, my lower stomach, and my hips, i have to pee like crazy since this started, i feel alot of pressure, an this cramping is really close together and hasnt stopped in over an hour. could i be going into labor?

Guy Who Likes Me, I Don't Like Him!?!?!?!?!? HELP!!?

I had a experience like that before in Wood cl.LOL! But I didn't do anything until the time was right to say something funny.Like why do you laugh and smile at me? Are you in love with me or what? Cause i can direct you to someone who will gladly take your eyes off me and give you the attention you need.Cause i have no time to give it to you.See I'm busy doing my in training for my future Husband.Then walk away.

Need some hair advice as many answers as possible please (pic included)?

I think you could pull of a honey-ish blonde or a light brown, but not a white/bleached blonde. but I think if you were to go lighter, then go a bit lighter on the eye make up.

Is it pathetic to be single for this long?

I broke up with an abusive boyfriend over a year ago and since then I've been putting my life back on track for the past 6 months everything has been going pretty well for me. This saturday past was valentines day as you will know, my housemates whom all have partners pointed out it's getting pathetic that i'm still single and can't get a boyfriend. Is it because I'm ugly or something? they said if i lost about ten-fiften kgs I'd have more of a chance. I think its okay to be single whilst I'm finishing my degree up and getting my life back together.

What do you get a girl, for her birthday?

A friend of mine is turning 26 soon. She's a happy go lucky, hard working, energetic woman who travels a lot. Shes from South Africa and currently in South Dakota. She likes up beat songs Like Bruno Mars Just the Way You Are and Natasha Bedingfield.

A Blues poem-song,comments?

That was deep bro, i like how you touched subtle issues such as life and shi** but actually retold it in a more honest way, i also liked the bit about the fat man, and the pion of making out in a barn.

Does anyone else have a crush on Gretchen from Recess?

My girlfriend said someone says she looks like Gretchen from Recess. Ever since then, I find myself watching the show a lot and I have a crush on this cartoon character now. Lol.

Why does the NWT use the name "Jehovah" in the Greek scriptures?

PS - I know the answer. If no one gets this, I will explain and provide references. I am weary of people thinking that we overstepped the bounds of translation into exegesis with this.

Combustion Question?

What volume of O2 (in L), measured at 21�C and 0.909 atm, is needed for the complete combustion of 27.8 grams of propane, C3H8?

Should I change my doubles partner?

My best friend and I are both on the tennis team. Over the summer, I got pretty good and she didn't. We have always been doubles partners, but my coach suggested that I play with a better partner. Should I take the offer? I really want to win more games in doubles, and to play more challenging people, but I'm afraid that my friend will see this as a betrayal.

Verizon Wireless PDA /Blackberry ???

I was actually going to get the XV6900. If I were you, I'd go with either the XV6900 or the Omnia. Inexpensive and versatile.

What to do if on an anonymous complaint both husband & wife are hared, humiliated & mentally hared?

the anonymous complainant levels false but serious allegations on the character of my wife-involving her officer. We both are working in same department. .Without knowing the credentials of the complainant, the next officer who came after him, issued notices to us, transferred us, the one who came after him initiated enquiry against us.. (The enquiry officer has asked to file the complaint in absence of the complainant)..our service record is excellent but for last more than two years the humiliation, harment, mental agony is haunting us...our health and family life is deteriorating. ..because of this my wife has tried to end her life...sometimes I also wish to kill those who are responsible for this....but on thinking of our two little minor daughters and my aged parents..I stop thinking it... but its becoming unbearable...where should we go..what should we do..its an irony. we are working in Judicial department..we r waiting for justice.. but we have/expect no justice..HELP US

Fantasy Baseball Trouble?

First off Marmol Sucks, all he does is walk people and has done nothing for the cubs. I would try and trade Thome and Big Papi, i get the strong feeling Papi will heat up, but if he doesent, you can sell high right now for sure. And Meche is having Injury issues now and may miss next start, see what you can discover in Free agency, maybe Aaron Cook or Ubaldo Jimenez.

Please help me solve the equation?

Time to swing. The period T (time in seconds for one complete cycle) of a simple pendulum is related to the length L ( in feet ) of the pendulum by the formula 8T^2= ╥^2 L. If a child is on a swing with a 10-foot chain, then how long does it take to complete one cycle of the swing?

Article 15 and loss of rank question.?

Bend over, get your over with and learn from your mistakes. Show the CMDR that you deserve E-4 by doing your job in an efficient military manor. And for God sakes, keep your mouth SHUT!

How do you feel about these girl names?

Aspen Kendall is absolutely adorable and unique! Carson is another name I love for a girl. It's so cute. Ivy is nice but I'd never use it myself. I do love Parkyn too though! It is very different and has a nice ring to it. It's adorable! I like uncommon names.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Does Gold have some mystical purpose, and not just look pretty?

Alchemists used to call gold one of the "noble" metals because of its resistance to oxidation under most normal cirstances.

Can I join the Air Force after dropping out of DEP?

I ask because obviously I dropped out and thinking it over I really want to join. I felt pressured to select a job and to put open general which I didn't want at all, that was about 2 weeks ago, I felt dissapointed cause I didn't get the job I wanted cause I got in as a P1 H2, that's why I felt pressured and dissapointed on top of that I didn't get a chance to think about my choices. Can I join again? Can an Air Force recruiter answer me that please or let me know.

Greek Recipe for Beef in Tomoato Sauce?

On our honeymoon to Greece this summer I found Beef in a Tomato sauce at many many restaurants...with some variety. It was usually served with French Fries and was beef stew meat cooked in a this rich tomato tasted like chili sauce kindof with a hint of Cinnamon one Restaurant called it Stamnas...anyone have a good recipe for this?

Acai burn free trial?

i ordered acai burn pills online and it was the free trial ones. my friend said i have to mail the bottle back when im done or theyll charge me. is that true? does anyone have them?

Is there a laptop running on ethanol fuel cells?

No because laptops don't run on combustion engines. You would have to fill a generator with ethanol and power your laptop via the generator. Dragging a generator around sort of defeats the purpose of a laptop computer.

Have you hugged a liberal today? You should! Pelosi wants to repeal the Bush tax cuts early! Don't you know?

Nancy Pelosi (D - California) should be a warden at a woman's prison. She is quite possibly the most worthless human being on the face of the planet.

Where o where can i watch this movie?

Watch this movie I love you Philip Morris? doesn't have it i tried to google on other sites but i can't seem to find it. Do you people know where i can watch this movie free online? Thanks!!

What kind of picture is this and how can i make my own?

heres a link, whats the name of it,for example to find a walpaper i would search... heres a link a href=",r:25,s:83&tx=101&ty=98&biw=1190&bih=850" rel="nofollow"…/a

What'll give you the FULL Texas experience?

you got to eat real texas Bar B Q ask the locals where's a really good local bbq place not the chain restaurants like texas roadhouse big places like that it's the small mom and pop places that are really good food. You also have to catch a rodeo. But in my opinion I live in Louisiana and the best rodeo to me is our Angola Rodeo a href="" rel="nofollow" ... anyway I'm getting off the subject just ask the locals they'll tell you what's the best things to do while your there.

In to kill a mockingbird, what did dolphus raymond told scout ?

what did dolphus raymond told scout finch that made her realise not to accept things at face value ?

There is a check a blue or green box...that is placed on all jpeg files. I can't get rid of it. It j?

When my computer crashed, the marks were gone when we got it up and running again. When I downloaded photos from my cannon camera they reappeared on every jpeg file everywhere on my computer. I've been trying to get rid of it, but can't. Apparently I can change icons, but not get rid of this checkbox. I can't find a forum on Cannon's website to get help.

Does anyone where I can find a number solver?

The same sort of thing as an anagram solver but with numbers. So you type in the numbers and the end amount (sort of like the numbers on "Countdown")?

The Oil Spill and Methane Issue?

The amount of methane (which is a strong Greenhouse Gas) is what is key here and not enough methane will be leaked to make to much of a difference. You may not know this but as the planet warms up due to the Global Warming the Tundra areas that are normally frozen 12 months of the year will also release methane into the atmosphere and thereby magnifying the Global Warming.

Is it considered breaking lease by not giving 30 day notice of moving due to cirstance even if lease is up?

The istant manager who was the former secretary asked over a month before the lease would be up if we were going to move to which I replied it was still unknown. Then when I returned to pay the rent for the final month I was asked again by the former ***. manager which I umed was the new manager to which I replied more than likely yes due to me having a baby soon and the income changing. They also called and asked I guess as a review to which I replied yes it's more definitive that we will have to. To which there was no real or questions. Yet as the bills rolled in it, we realized we didn't have enough to make next months rent, now no longer the leased rate even if we wanted to. So we applied somewhere else and they sent a rental verification form to the office. Who called so upset about not getting a 30 day notice that we were moving even though 2 out of 3 inquiries were answered "yes" ending with a definitive yes. The newly appointed manager alleges he came by to speak about the lease but I'm home all day and never got a visitor. I did happen to find a notice saying simply "your lease is up in a (hand written 30) days." No please call office or notify us. A letter telling me what I already knew. Now we will be out before next monday but will they have grounds for any legal recourse? They have at least 6 other apartments like our floor plan vacant and ready to move in, so we aren't hindering them from acquiring new tenants. If anything they are feeling the sting of yet another building being on the brink of becoming empty because their rent is simply too high.

How do I get my mom to sell the stuff she bought?

There's nothing you can do. It's her money and her stuff. Yeah, you need it, too, but unfortunately, she's the grown up.

What is mitosis? Good definition please...?

ok so u have a "parent" cell. it wants to divide so you can have more cells. for example if u get a cut... mitotic rates increase so more skin cells can be produced. ur body is always using mitosis, but the rate is sped and slowed. so the parent cell cannot use ual reproduction, it instead uses aual mitosis. this produces two daughter cells which are more often than not identical to the parent cells. sometimes they arent and this is caused by either spontaneous mutation (rare) or "rossing over" of chromosome alleles durng the lining up in metaphase (relatively common)

Where can I get the buy an ac mains cable for my laptop?

My laptop design is advent and the model is 7104. I would like to buy a cable that will get to me by the end of this week from a trustworthy website. eBay doesn't seem to understand my request and advent's own website takes up to two weeks to ship to me. Can somebody recommend some site for me, please? Thanks a lot!

Playing games on my laptop?

i got an hp laptop. i have a big hdd and 3 gb of ram. my processor is core 2 duo at 2Ghz and all is good but my graphics card. ive been to can you run it ( google it and its a site from system requirements lab that tells you if you can run games. and it tells me that my video card can has all the requirements but it gives mt a rating 1 bar under the minimum, but i can still play the game ( such as doom 3 and quake 4) and i was wondering if this is bad for my card, and also i wanted to get prototype but it said the same thing as doom 3 and quake 4, i had the requirments but still not at minimun. and the processor said core 2 duo at 1.86ghz + and i have a core 2 duo at 2.00ghz and it says i cant run? i need help and answerss

What significance does calculating density and frequency have in conserving and protecting ecosystems?

Can't help - this question should be resubmitted to biology or ecology . Physics has a different use of the terms density and frequency. Which would be irrelevant to your topic.

I don't understand what's wrong with me?

I don't know what pride you went to but most have something for everyone, and gay club or not any club is about and hook ups.

Do they have any proof that the hole in the ozone layer is not a natural phenomena?

To the best of my knowledge, the holes were there when they were discovered. This means that the depleation theory is not a valid theory at this point. Right?

Help my daughter tripped over the hoover bu accident and hit our guinea pig with it.?

we had our guinea pigs out for a run and 1 ran under a blanket in the corner my daughter didnt see her and went to get something of the side on her way she tripped over the hoover and the hoover nozzle went flying then we heared this squeak and saw the guinea pig run aross the room when i went to pick her up i saw her limping so i picked her up and didnt see anything wrong anywhere other than her leg she was holding it up so my sister had a look and she fut her finger on the bottom of the piggies foot and gently pushed up the gp didnt squeal or make any noise but she did curl her toes around my sisters finger and pushed against her finger. we put her in her cage with a fluffy blanket and her food next to her and the same with her water. i would love to be able to take her to the vet but i live on a farm in the middle of nowhere and the only vet anywhere near us is a farm vet who said he couldnt do anything 4 her because she is a rodent and he only deals with cattle ect and then made a horrid comment about her and a brick. i would drive to the vets but i have a child with a servere illness and an only be transported in an ambulance and with no one to look after her in my absence it really isnt an option so please i am very worried and really dont know what to do so any information would be great help as i really dont want to lose her because she is lovely and belongs to my son the wan with the illness so please help thank you.

What makes Chris Benoit so unique ??

Everything. Heres a guy who waited 2 decades for his dream to come true. How many of us are willing to wait 20 years before we realize our dream? Most of us will just give up, but not him. He went through politics backstage, traveling around the world, not making any money, and being put down by fans and "experts" becuase he wasnt big enough. Even through all this he never gave up.

Does anyone know any well-known people that survived the Rwandan Genocide?

For my English cl, we need to do an essay on a time in history where the human spirit was forced to triumph and overcome the odds and I chose the Rwandan Genocide. The first part was just a summary of what happened, and I got that done but now I need to research a specific person that lived through the event and discuss the ordeal from their perspective and explain how they got through the situation. My problem is that I can't find any survivors on the internet, just victims. There was something about a little girl witnessing the murder of the Queen but I can't find anything on her so does anyone know of anybody? & they have to be well known enough for me to find out their perspective and how they got through the event.


I have a Doberman and play tug of war with him. I have heard tug of war is okay and tug of war is horrible, so which is it? I ume if you play tug-of-war is that you must teach it the command of "out"/"drop" which I am trying to reinforce, getting mixed results any solutions? I ume treat trade-offs would work okay. Also my dog is not the most coordinated and will end up mouthing someones hand while playing(tries to get toy but misses). Any suggestions for that? I cannot punish him for that because it is an accident but I do want him to be aware for when he gets bigger that is a definate no-no.

So...does Alicia Fox only suck when she's in the ring with a diva who also sucks?

Her and Natalya put on a pretty good match together (on Superstars just now), and actually didn't seem to get carried, like she held her own. And I'm thinking back to her matches with divas who either suck (Kelly Kelly, Eve kinda, Maryse) or divas who were unmotivated at the time (Melina, Mickie James), and it's very telling about the ability she may actually have. Your thoughts?

What bit is suitable for my horse?

My horse was similar when I tried him in a Cheltenham gag - I've had him since November, but we're fairly in tune to each other. He is only just turned 6, and I ride him in a pelham cross country, as he gets extremely strong. I find he dislikes anything too much in his mouth, such as rollers, or waterford. Try a french link full cheek - I ride Crackle in that for dressage, and he seems to respect it, and it has quite good steering.

Help about a girl .?

hu we are in our second week of high school nine step bro is in one of my cles and that cl is a girl that I like. We both came from different schools. We both know nothing about eachother and never met. I don't want to go out with her. Just friends. How can I talk to her if she doesn't know me. She's In my foods cl

Is abigail adams the women who pulled the painting of martha washington out of the burning white house??

No, that was Dolly Madison and it was a portrait of George Washington when the British came and burned the White House during the war of 1812

Crocheting a blanket??

I'm crocheting a blanket... Well really I'm making a really big granny square. It's kind of ripply looking. If I add edging to it will that straighten it out or should I scrap it and start over and just make little granny squares and sew them together? I'm trying to make a baby blanket for a friend and I want it perfect. Please help :) thank you

Identify the conic section and describe the graph and its lines of symmetry. then find domain and range?

try and do your homework!!! I will tell u: 2 is parabola, 14 is hyperbola 16 is ellipse and 3 is cirlce. go on from there.

What breakfast option seems the healthiest?

I think option 1 would be the healthiest, but I would eat option 2 or similar at least twice aweek, especially if I was anticipating a lot of exertion.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Is it odd if a guy wants to spend his christmas?

That all you want for Christmas is to snuggle with someone you love, watch old Christmas movies, and drink hot chocolate?

What nasty plot will Rahm Emanuel come up with to make Parker Griffin pay the price for his betrayal of the?

So what did Griffin do to betray Jesus the Christ. And given this I don't think Emanuel will have to do a thing. There is a higher order that takes care of these situations.

What do you think of my poem? 18 and older please, not appropriate for the young.?

Hi. I like this very much . I like your poetic persona, the picture words you painted are very reflective which makes your poem flow nicely.

Mexican spirituality?

Are there any books on Mexican spirituality (not Catholicism, but books on the ancient religion/rituals as practiced by the ancient Aztecs/Mayans who lived in Mexico before the Spanish conquest. If so what was it called?

Should I have a ?

I guess you could if you're both alright with it. I think your relationship will be fine as long as you both agree. It might make you both more "loose" if you know what I mean. But maybe that's a bad thing. Maybe you would feel more inclined to try such things more often. It's been found that one person can only care for a maximum of 150 people-as in family members, etc. So it's highly possible that you or he may feel inclined to try this with someone else. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is up to you.


dang, I'll bet most people wouldn't know where Clute, Tx is without looking for it on a map (I do though, I used to live in Angleton, and i have been to the mosquitofest)

Aerosmith or Bruno Mars poster?

Aerosmith! If she's liked them longer she may already have one, but then again it's more likely that she'd find a Bruno Mars in stores on her own.

My e-mail does not have the color tabs any more after this morning. how do I get my tabs back it s all white?

everything is all WHITE now no tabs. no way to see bold, underline etc. it is all gone just white i have to guiess where th abs used to be how do i get it back tot he way it was. I did nothing it changed this morning automatically? HELP!!!! PLEASE!!!! Rick : )

From the movie/drama "it started with a kiss" how old details?

hey from the movie/drama "it started with a kiss" how old is joe cheng and ariel lin right now?

Did the movie "W" tell you anything you didn't already know about Bush?

just sounds like a rerun of the horror movie that the American people have been living for the past 8 years.

Did the dinosaurs evolve into birds or crocodiles...or both?

I live in Florida. I've seen Sand Hill Cranes up close. If you look at a Sand Hill Crane, you can SEE that they look like dinosaurs! But crocodiles and alligators have been around for 200 million years or more too. There was a late Cretaceous crocodile, Sarchosuchus Riograndensis, that was 80 feet long! So which are the true descendants of the "terrible lizards," birds or crocodilians...or both? Evolution has branched off many times. It could just as likely have done so after the age of dinosaurs.

What does Labour do about paedophile gangs?

I have never heard of paedophile gangs marauding the streets of Britain.Certainly there are groups of youths who embrace gang culture and these individuals are of low intellect and virtually feral. It is all to do with lack of parental control,discipline and education. They should all be rounded up and put into national service.

Which Volcom backpack?

If i were you i'd get the purma deluxe if you want it to look cool and use it for school, but get the cruiser in clack if you're gonna use it for hiking or just want it to be bigger, but still cool.

Ok i just saw New Moon and have a question on teeth?

how can you make your teeth look sharper or can you sharpen your teeth? and how do you stare at people so it seems as if you are looking through them? i am in theatre so anything helps!! Thanks!!

Consider the line that pes through the point (3, -2) and has a slope of 2.?

I love a bargain as much as anyone and I used to love all the cheap stuff I could find on eBay, but nowadays it seems so hard to find anything cheap over there and just when we're all finding it tougher to just pay our bills. I don't give up so I was looking for someplace online where I could still find myself a bargain... and by accident I came across this site I never heard of before where you get rock bottom prices from police impounded stuff, I mean I was worried about scams but this stuff is actually real and I got some real cheap stuff there... it's become my new eBay lol! Go to

Can I use a PCIe Souncard in a PCI slot?

If the sound card is a PCIe card it will have a really short plug in on the card. PCI slots are too long for a PCIe card. Hope that solves your problem.

What is it like for a brit? (ie myself)?

who now lives in new zealand and has been for some time,to move to denmark,any shocks that would be involved with it? like as in,housing,culture,food etc

List out the characteristics of algorithm??

Algorithm is the method of solving or writing any kind of program. It is a step up step of writing a program with instructions to solve a problem or driving a machine etc.

Based on NASA, HadCRUT and NOAA, how can anyone say the temps have declined for 11 years?

Maybe because those agencies are in the pocket of the Government, and they don't want their funding cut, which would happen if they don't say what the gov. wants to hear.

My dog won't stop digging?

I have an 8 month old lab mix puppy who is making my job as it's owner incredibly difficult. I invested some money into landscaping and literally within a few hours he had everything ripped to shreds. I fenced off the area to try to deter him and he barrelled straight through the fence and dug up my plants again. There are small holes all over my lawn as well. We have tried filling the holes up over and over again. We have tried spraying him with water when he starts digging, we've tried whooping his ***, you name it we've done it. At this point, he's on his way back to the shelter...unless someone can PLEASE give me some good advice.

Batman: The Dark Knight?

Nah, I doubt it; but hey, never say never,right? I just personally think that Robin would probably set a better first impression with Batman,lol!!!


I did know about the July 4th deaths. Both Johnson and Clinton were actually impeached but Nixon never was because he resigned first..

What's happening in Iraq right now?

One of the main points people use to dispute whether or not Obama deserved the Prize is the war in Iraq. What's up? Hasn't he tried talking to Iraqi leaders? Why can't they compromise?

Just out of this nesting?

nesting isnt where you have energy persay!! its just the feeling that you need to get this or that done. some women get the energy to do it. i however have never gotten the energy to do it. i just wanted to sleep at the end of my pregnancy. but you have a feeling like if i dont get it done now its never gonna get done so you do it! good luck and congrats babys coming soon!

What are humanity's priorities?

I think we should definitely keep one eye on our planet's resources and making life nice for our children etc, but we have to remember we only live once, and it's sad to see how many people are content with a life which involves going to work 5 days a week typing crap into a database in an urban area, and going on "holiday" twice a year...

Will sammy sosa ever be in the hall of fame?

there is little to no e vidence he used roids but will he be kept out because of the small doubt and also i doubt the corked bat will do anything considering george brett did the same thing and got over 90% of the vote

When has a national government used a foreign policy to obtain goals in the national interest?

The question tells it all, but the answer should not be related to WWI. I wondered across this question in a few discussions, thought of asking your opinions too! 10 Points to person with details or straightforward useful answer! Thank-You!!! =)

What mental disorder(s) do I have?

I'm not a doctor,but sound like you have social anxiety,as well as regular anxiety and ativan works wonders,go see a doctor!!!

Do u know any ...? or you could find it on youtube and then copy the URL to (convert it to MP3 format)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Is the carmen winston story true?

You know the one where she got pushed down the drain if you don't know what I'm talking about look up carmen winston story.PLEASE HELP I'M REALLY SCARED :(!

Does He Like Me?? im Relee confusedddd?

Yes he likes u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! START FLIRTING!!!!! u will be going out with him in no time!

Is there a gap in cultural ethics between members of minority groups and non-members of minority groups?

I'm not exactly sure which discussions or Y!A users you are referring to, but I like to think of myself as an equality-first type of person. I don't, for example, think the mom should always get custody in divorce cases, and I think alimony should be abolished all together. People do tend toward self-interest, though, and it seems much more common for people to support causes that directly affect them. But perhaps people do what you describe and support what you perceive as an inequality on one side, because they feel like they are still disadvantaged by the situation, or that the inequality is on the other side. Perception can be a stronger motivator than fact.

Whats some good run out songs for my 7th and 8th grade basketball team?

We are a kind of a small team. It's our middle school's 7th and 8th grade varsity team. We have 4 eighth graders but technically only 3 because Shania never comes to practice or our away games. Me and Kristen and Jacquelin are our best players. Our other starters are Brittany and Megan. Brittany is really tall and uncoordinated and Megan is good she just gives up on herself when she messes up. We had to pull up 6th graders from the jv team because we didn't have enough players and they SUCK except for Erin which is Kristen's little sister. Our starting line up is great though. We're tied in 1st place in our league with our ultimate rivals and we have yet to play them. I want the awesomest dang run out song when we play them which is next Thursday. Our mascot is the Owl. Any suggestions?

Batteries boiled dry from charging...?

You have a alternator or regulator problem. 13.5-14.5 volts max. Puttin beer in it will not only ruin the batteries but waste a perfectly good beer. You can try water and trickle charge the batteries , but you must fix the overcharging problem as well

Anyone had a large no eggs/high estrogen and got a bfp? Did u or did u not get ohss?

I had 21 eggs, e2 was 31,000! As it was a blast transfer they let me have it. 2 good blasts. I'm just worried that if I don't get any ohss symptoms starting soon it will be a bfn. I'm 4dp5dt. Has anyone had such high levels like me with a bfp and no ohss?

Im 13 5 ft 7 i do 500 sit up and 40 press up will it ruin my growth from aaron ibrahim bec i want to be tall?

well i thought if i do 500 sit ups and 40 press up it wont make me more healthier but my bones crack in my neck and back so im worried if this exercise affects my growth and i want to be tall im only 13 years old and can u give me some advice what exercise i can do so it wont affect my growth.

Where should we travel?

My girlfriend and I are both 19. We're doing a 5 month externship for culinary school apart from each other. So at the end of september we want to celebrate the end of our extern by traveling somewhere. She thinks we're going to key west. But im thinking about surprising her. I want to take her somewhere in the western hemisphere that would be exotic, unique, but not dangerous. I was thinking about Brazil or somewhere in the Caribbean. Where would be an ideal vacation for us? Im looking to spend 3 grand at the most.

Why do people hate on vegetarians?

i'm a vegetarian for over two years now. i only do it because i don't want to ingest growth hormones that they feed animals. everyone picks on vegetarians i want to know are we that different because we care about our bodies? like wth

Im pregnant and want to put a countdown on my myspace i cant find the one i want it shows how big the baby is.

ok the thing i am looking for shows and tells you how big your baby is and how far along you are ive saw it on other profiles and just cant find it now!

Pls send me list of messges site in bangkok?

one time some one have send me beautiful link(website) have all pictures and mage parlor bangkok. thankyou

Tresper continues to destroy my stuff. What to do?

I had my land surveyed and put Posted signs up with orange paint around them. My little cousins are building a tree house on my land and this guy keeps destroying it thinking it is a Deer stand that someone is hunting out of. He also ripped down half my signs and is shooting onto my property. The footprints in the mud lead to his house but I never seen him do it. What can I do to stop him or at least get him to ask and clear things up. I don't want to go to his house because he could call the cops on me for going to his house. I live in Pennsylvania.

Raptor fans, what do you think of this?

Are we devolving by having emotions? ?

So I was thinking, and found that our soul purpose of being on this planet, is to be the protectors of it. We are here to make sure everything is in order. Because other animals don't have the intellect that us humans do. So are we devolving by having emotions? That all they do is stop us from doing what other animals do, kill off the weak and worthless. And make sure that our race survives. But all it seems is that we are ruining where we live by over populating, and using the minerals that the earth makes for the wrong reasons. Everyone is at war, because of hate, which again. Is an emotion that only seems to ruin things. Do you guys feel that emotions are better, or only making things worse?

Are the ares 1 and 5 rockets going to the moon or Mars?

in 2020 i heard that NASA will use the ares rockets to send astronauts to the moon and mars. however i am not sure if these rockets are the ones going to the moon or mars or maybe both

What is the name of this point and click flash game?

it was like hapland but with a dude and there was a castle and a cloud that you could click and there was a lake with a monster or alligator or something and you had to get across w some rock or something and yeah. thats all i can remember right now. i thought his name was bob or something. but yeah it was on the site. i just don't remember what it was called.

Would this hold up in court?

My manager has been treating me horribly. I finally had enough and snapped. I yelled at her. We both argued, which is not a big deal. We talked it over with the district manager. When I got home I wrote a facebook post (did not mention her name) and I explained the situation and then I made sarcastic comments about how she doesnt do work and just texts. Well I guess now she is going to try to sue me for that as harrment and slander. But she is not a friend of mine on facebook, it only pointed out her acting unprofessionall, and did not say anythig personal (excpt the fact she always talks about her life). Would this hold up in court? Ifit did what would be the worst result? I live in PA. thank you.

Fake Fireplaces!?!?!?!?!?

Spell check one had automatic fireplace..they would have real heat because they are mostly for ascetic purposes/or real heat for that room. Houses are bigger and designed differently to support just fireplace heat as the only source of heat.

This diproves creationism (not christianity or any other religion)?

Some creationists will say that, when god created the universe, he created the light from those distant objects ALREADY EN ROUTE to the Earth, thus making their god a liar, and other creationists will say that the speed of light has not remained constant over the eons, thus making their god a trickster. Creationist beliefs ought to be considered heretical, but for some reason, or rather the lack thereof, they are endorsed by many churches.

Social Anxiety,Panic Disorder and victims.?

victims do you guys seem to have developed overwhelming anxiety when going out in public or experience panic attacks and excessive worry when around people?Has caused you to be cynical and like ume people are out to get you?Do you now feel everyone has a ulterior motive for being nice to you?Do you find yourself paranoid over the littlest things?I am that way and I feel the /ual abuse has caused much damage to me.Can anyone else relate?

Get answers from millions of real people.?

an old movie about a spaceship that lands on a planet, when the spaceship takes off the creature is hiding on board,it starts to kill each one of the pengers by sucking out their blood going up each level on the spaceship until it gets to the top level. made about 1953

Will someone help me wiht Microsoft Publisher? I have a brochure due tomorrow!?

When I go to paste text from the web into the brochure, publisher opens a new box not attached to the brochure, like its hiding behind the actual brochure. What am i doing wrong, is there a way to disble this? I just want to paste into the actual cells of the brocure!

Is this Serious? I'm not sure if this is a thing to ask my Doctor.?

I have been getting lumps inside my feet that feel like i'm standing on a pebble or stone in my shoe. It hurts when pressure is added and swells quite large and becomes red and hot. I have done research and it seems like a Mortons Neuroma but i have symptoms that it doesn't include, i seem to get one everyday over both feet. Any Help and i would be greatful

Light yagami = zac efron ?

When I read your post, I was like "Hah, another zac efron fan girl", but then I opened the link and I was like "Oh." They DO look alike. It's scary...If Zac Efron can act, I say he should totally take the role, but we haven't seen him in anything serious at all, just disney movies. Hrm...I'd be interesting to see...

Pinocchio blu-ray has black bars on side whether the DVD version doesn't. Why?

The new Pinocchio blu-ray has black bars on the side and the DVD version which is included with the blu-ray set, fells up the entire screen. Why is this?


both are REALLY cute!!! but i think where the blue one blends in, the lime one kinda stands out. of course, it all depends on which one looks best on YOU (if it IS 4 u) and what you think in the end!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Finding a nice but cheap place in Bagkok for two months !!?

A service apartment maybe the thing for you look at this web site below or just google service apartment in Bangkok.

Evolution, anyone?

the proving evidence is too weak and controversial and requires 'blind faith' of those who are prepared to accept it as valid evidence of evolution.

Why won't my body fat go down?

I workout and run every morning at 5 am before work. My food and liquid intake is as follows. Gl of water when I get out of bed. Workout for 15 minutes. Run a mile outside. Then workout for another 15 minutes. After my workout I drink a gl of V8 or OJ. Then take my shower blah blah blah. I drive an hour to work so on the way I drink my big cup of skim milk with chocolate whey protein mixed in. Then mid morning around 10 or so I have a couple handfuls of peanuts. Lunch is usually a turkey sandwich with cheese, mustard, a little mayo and sometimes tomatoes. Or maybe an egg salad sandwich instead. Then around 3 I have a banana. Then at night I eat a salad with either chicken, pork chop, etc...Or lima beans, black eyed peas, brocolli instead of the salad. I have a gl of green tea with my dinner. All other liquids while at work are water. I have a big cup I usually drink anywhere from 3-4 of them a day. And I always drink a gl of water before bed as well. So I get plenty of water. No sodas, no sweets, minimal carbs, minimal fat or processed foods or fried foods. While I have lost weight, and my clothes fit much better, and I look alot better, my body fat % isn't budging and that makes zero sense. I am currently 5' 11 1/2 and 204 so it's not like I am overweight. At least not anymore. Can someone out there explain this to me please? I know I am losing fat and gaining muscle just by looking at my legs, arms, shoulders, stomach, chest, etc.....Which is why my weight hasn't gone down much but the body fat % is a thing for Unsolved Mysteries.

A dream about a girl.............?

In 3rd grade i had a crush on a girl. I knew that she also like me. She moved away and that was the last time I saw her. At random times i have dreams abut her. Last night i dreamed seeing her walking outside my bedroom window, I ran outside to talk to her but she was gone i searched for her but never found her. Then i woke up. Now im in 10th grade but I never forgotten her nor seen her since 3rd grade when she left. What do you guys think the dreams mean ? Will i see her?

Lets rate down the ...?

How are you calling the best answer phobic? The asker was a complete idiot!!!! He know nothing about Ghandi. and they weren't pissed because of that. He was disrespecting their culture! Ghandi didn't wear "underwear" as he so rudely put it. And his reasoning was because he wore underwear around his friends!!!!!! And its not underwear. If anything the asker is a who also made fun of a culture.

At what time in their life do baby guinea pigs need not to eat Alfalfa hay?

Honestly rabbits and guinea pigs under the age of 6 months should not eat much or any alfalfa hay. Too much can kill them. It is better to give them timothy hay.Timothy hay can be used all their life or you can use alfalfa hay anytime after they are 6 months plus. Also make sure that you give them oranges for vitamin C. For the bedding you can use newspaper on the bottom of the cage with carefresh or I have always used pine or aspen bedding.

Cotton/wool like growth on fin of angelfish, but its getting smaller?

It is either White spot or a fungal infection. Go to the pet shop and buy some fungle infection treatment and it will clear up in a week or so. If you don't treat it, it will spread and both will kill your fish.

Does anyone have a good idea for a yearbook title?

I am on the yearbook staff at my school and we are trying to think of a name. Not like a theme. My old schools was called the talon because they were eagles. My mascot is a tiger but we are trying to stay away from that. I also dont want anything like memories or like a year to remember. That is not original enough. I though of like the roar but our high school did that. Thanks and I need responses soon!

Please can u tell me which nerf n-strike guns work with the nerf dart tag darts?

I want to buy nerf dart tag hyperfire and was wondering which n-strike weapon i could use to play with the velcro tipped darts so i wouldnt have to use the underpowerd blasters that comes with the vests

How can I get the suction cup of my Sirius satellite radio to stay on my windshield?

I have a Sirius Starmate radio with the car kit that is supposed to keep the radio suctioned to the windshield. But, the heat (I'm guessing) keeps popping the suction off the windshield. I keep moistening the suction cup and that isn't helping. Any advice would be great.

I feel so bad, ruined memories and miserable trip?

I guess I'm just hoping someone can help me feel better. We've been planning a family trip to our all time favorite vacationin since the beginning of the year. I used to come here with my grandparents (now deceased as of last year) and parents every year since I was 2 weeks old. Despite the fact that my grandparents have ped on we've decided to keep the tradition going. Well nearly everything that could go wrong on this trip has, I'll start at the beginning. On the way here our cargo carrier atop the car shredded to pieces in the wind and rain that was pouring relentlessly on the interstate drenching our clothing, as soon as I arrived at the hotel a medical condition of mine popped up causing me to spend 2 hours on the phone between doctors and pharmacies before finally getting a prescription set up here for me. My mother has lupus and has spent nearly the entire trip violently ill throwing up and such. The day after we arrived we all came down with terrible colds ( sore throats, unbearable coughing, stuffy nose sneezing etc.) that won't go away. And then the topper, my 2 year old daughter fell from the hotel bed last night and broke her arm. I'm sitting here now saddened and stressed because my babies are sick, I feel like crud, my mother hasn't gotten to enjoy herself the way I know she'd love to, I miss my grandparents and grieve for the good times I had with them here. I just feel like it will never be the same, and we are leaving tomorrow on this note. It's made me never want to come back here again and this is like my second home. My husband and children are sleeping and I'm just sitting here miserably sad, crying in the dark. What should I do? :/

How would Scotland survive independence?

It wouldn't . Scotland would be bankrupt within a matter of weeks without England . If they were ever stupid enough to try and become independent they would be forced to become an EU slave nation just like Eire .

What was up with Larry Hughes last night knocking the ball out of Vince Carters hands?

That was a real dirty play right there if you ask me, he didn't even let Vince hold the ball before reaching in and slapping it way and then the Referees said it out of bounds on Vince Carter What the hell they where right there? They were favoring Cleveland obviously, it clearly was a selfish play on Larry Hughes

Possible trade which side has the better deal?

Colston and Lynch will be the better combo once Lynch gets back. Marshall looks like a low-end #2 at best right now, and LT is clearly in the decline of his career

Help! I don't want girl to ask me to sadies!?

I'm good friends with this girl..and thts all I want. I'm pretty sure thatshe will ask me..I don't want that to happen. She's not super attractive and I would just like to be friends with her and not go to the dance. What could I say if she asks me because I'm her friend?

Is putting grease in your hair bad?

It's okay, but just don't put too much. I think I know what you're talking about. I used to use it but just use the size of a dime in your palm at most. You don't need that much, and you also won't waste it since it's so expensive. :) But if you just look at target or walgreens it easy to find any heat protectant, all brands of heat protectant work pretty good. And also don't use a chi straightener with chi products, it will burn your hair.

Can my father take out a consolidation loan for me?

I am currently unemployed with 3 credit cards, and my father is willing to cosign a loan for me. I guess my question is do I apply for the loan with him as a co-signer or can he apply for the loan on my behalf?

Missed pills painful period?

If you have had unprotected in the time you missed your pills it could be that you have experienced a very early miscarriage. If the bleeding persists and you are ping clots of blood get checked out at your local clinic. Good Luck

Will my frozen turkey go bad?

I got a 15 lb erball turkey, it was in the freezer until Sunday night then I took it out and put it in a pan in the refrigerator so make sure it would thaw all the way before Friday. (we are having our Thanksgiving that day) But when I went in and touched the top of it, it felt like it had already thawed. Is it possible it has already thawed all the way? And if so will it go bad before Friday? I do not want to get people sick on the first Thanksgiving dinner I make.

Is it cool to be in a committed relationship with friends of the opposite 'hidden' from their partner?

I've been a relationship for two years. We have been open and honest up untill recently. She met this guy at her school that she think is so great, but will not let me meet him. Now she has this phone with his photo in it that she's always hiding. She tells me the phone is to keep time, but I've seen her talking on it, and I've seen the phone blink with tex alurts. Now I don't want to jump to any conclutions, but everything is very suspect. She tells me I'm just insecure. AM I?

Why does Hestia wear a head veil?

The veil symbolizes purity. Hestia is one of the three sworn virgin goddesses alongside Athena and Artemis. The veil is a symbolism of how she doesn't entertain advances from the male gods.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Worst Money in the bank?

No you see the spoilers say Christian and Chavo were the last two in the battle royal but only Christian won. This Friday on SmackDown Finlay will face The Brian Kendrick for the last spot in MITB

How to adjust service tax?

i am an accountant in const company we are doing ind & comm buildings Ex: we recieved mob Adv from client incl s tax@12.36% and it was paid but now s tax rate is 10.2% the mob Adv is recovered our incoming bills so client giving 10.2 only, how we can adjust our loss

What character traits in a person do you find most appealing???

If you were at a party or some other kind of social get-together (non-drug or drinking, just hanging and socializing) and you didn't really know anyone all that well, (let's say you talked to a couple of people there last week briefly, but that's the only time you had ever met them) how would you act? Would you randomly walk up to groups of people who were already engaging in conversation? Would you introduce yourself to everyone? Would you be more reserved? Would you act goofy, keep in mind that there are 20 somethings and adults here. I'm kinda shy when I first get to know people, my self confidence has gone through the ringer over the past couple of months because I've been laid off of my job, but I'm going back soon, a girl that I cared about a lot decided it would be better to just be friends, that hurt big-time. Socially, how do you guys interact? What do you talk about, how do you act in a new social environment were you want to make friends. What should you not talk about. Hlp!

Sleep training sorta. Question about 5 month old.?

Ok. Here lies the problem. I don't really believe in sleep training but my partner does. We have a 5 month old daughter who cried like crazy every time it comes to naps or bedtime. Hold, rocking, soothing, feeding hasnt worked yet. Were trying to compromise because he's going to be watching her soon and he'll let her CIO when Im at work so Id like her to soothe easier so shes not left alone to cry. So twice now we've left her to fuss. She is tired. We swaddle her (she likes it even at 5 months), give her a pacifier and put her in her cradle. She cries were in there. We pat her and soothe her without picking her up. She actually seems to be less upset then when I try to rock her and feed her. She isnt left to cry alone for very long (30 sec). Do you think this is wrong. Twice now shes went down without to much of a fight. I'm just worried about creating problems with trust. I love her to bits and if snuggling or rocking or feeding worked Id do but it doesn't.

My 2 year old just flushed her pacifier down the toilet?

I have two extras somewhere. . .but maybe I should use this opportunity to break the habit. Is "I'm sorry, you flushed paci down the toilet, we don't have it anymore. All gone, no more paci." too cruel? She usually only has it at nap time and before bed. She will freak out if she doesn't have it tonight though. Thoughts?

How can i ask a boy to a dance?

I'm a 7th grader and im having my first dance on November 14 and the theme is 'Sadie Hawkins Dance' so odviously, its a girls ask guys. I wanna ask this guy but he is going with my friend just as 'friends'. But i really like him.

Could somebody, without bias, explain to me some basic beliefs of the US Green Party?

At their heart, they hate people and would like to see the Earth without a single human being on it. To that end, they are against development and progress and in favor of protecting the environment at all costs -- usually through a fascist government that dictates lifestyles.

I want My mom to spend more time with me since My cat of 9 years just died?

Hello My name is abby im 11 and i just moved from maryland to florida and im usaully a very independent person but since we moved i have been very clingy to My mom and askong her to stay up with me before i go to bed. My cat sam just died and we are getting ready to visut maryland and My dad wont be there so she is spendong all her time with me but i understand we will be gon for 4 days but i think i deserve some more attention then what im getting i had sammy since i was 2 And im very sad

Could I be hypnotized??????????????

Okay let me just say I'm a muay thai fighter 4 months ago (jokingly) my friend said he could hypnotize me. Well since that day I became a wuss!!!!! I can't even fight anymore I am losing my matches, I am worse in bed, everything sucks!!!!

Do you have a pic of Rodney Atkins hatless?

PLEASE, I need a picture of Rodney Atkins without a hat. Please tell me the link if you've seen one online. Thank You!

Good Drum and B for a party!?

I am having a party soon have a Pretty nice sound system with good b. Got any suggestions for some good drum and b? pendulum kinda thing! thanks a lot.

Are most Christians cowards?

You cannot clump all "christians" under on catergory. There are some Christians who other Christians think are crazy too. Ex: there any many who don't believe in speaking in tongues, talking to God, Interacting with him, Spiritual Warfare (ie casting out demons etc).. and there are others who do. So it's a bit ignorant to say all christians are the same. (ie.. someone who is christian reformed doesn't think you should do anything on sunday- yet like our neighbor- installed drains in his garage so he can wash his car in his garage on sunday and nobody can see him... that's crazy to me ... but whatever) Anyways though... forgiveneess is not an easy thing to learn- but it can be acheived. Also forgivness isn't an over-night thing. It takes TIME! and lots of prayers and the help of God. I- including my whole entire family practices forgiveness- there are many times we have to help one another and remind each other that we just need to forgive the other person and let it go- give the anger/whatever else to God and let him deal with it.

To produce 196.5 g of aluminum sulfate, what m of aluminum must react with sulfuric acid?

The formula of aluminum sulfate is Al2(SO4)3. You need to add up all the mes from the periodic table. 2 Al = 2(27) = 54, 3 S = 3(32) = 96 12 O = 12 (16) = 192 Add all of those. 54+96+192= 342. What part is due to Al? 54gAl for every 342g of Al(SO4)3. If you multiply this ratio by the amount of aluminum sulfate in your problem, then you would know how much Al you will need to react. 196.5g x (54g/342g) = 31.03g Al

Wonder if MCR's The Black Parade Is Dead album has arrived here in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.. If yes, where? Tq

The Black Parade Is Dead has released in the United States on July 1, 08.. It's My Chemical Romance's 4th album.. I'm not sure if Malaysia has the same releasing date too..

istance For A Blind Lady And Her Cerebral Palsy Son?

Hi there is a lady by the name of Angela Swamber who is blind and has a son Aron both of Enterprise Trinidad and Tobago who has Cerebral Palsy.There are no specialised facilities in that country and time is running out since it is getting harder to take care of her son.So they need in istance in migrating into Canada so they could get better treatment facilities.Can you please tell me how to get this istance via the Canadian Emby or something?Also they would be like to be on the Oprah Winfrey or a Tv interview show.She can be contacted at 18686650967,18687858688,18683679174,emai… her at and write to her at 12 Boodram Trace Enterprise Trinidad and Tobago West Indies.Please reply to me regarding this matter.

IS it the same thing or no?

Okay so thanks to the help of you guys I've been buying all the stuff i need in order to have a better functioning pc as well as enough qualifications in order to play my sims game now what I want to know is.. Are the Ram and the memory the same? Because I am feeling really Computer illiterate right now

When monochromatic light illuminates a pair of thin slits?

an interference pattern is produced on a wall behind. How will the distance between the finges of the pattern for red light differ from that for blue light?

Religion, but which one ?

Why do so many people, believe in an imaginary God, which is just a figurative of our imagination, wishful thinking really, when we are young, we look up to our parents to guide us and protect us, when we lose our parents, we are sometimes at a loss and look for another protection and guide. We look towards an invisible imaginative super being, which we call God, over the centuries, various tribes; nations etc. have invented their own idea of a God, to suit their belief, the Egyptians for example, pretended their leader was a kind of God, and constructed huge pyramids for their pretend God, which was really a waste of time, they could have constructed more useful buildings etc. and all that toil and labour, was a waste of time? The Aztecs, used to sacrifice some children, to their Mountain God, what a waste of young lives! But worst of all, over the centuries millions of innocent people have been murdered, in the name of a pretend God, different religions are killing each other because, their religion is right [so they think] and all other religions are wrong We now have proof with “The tree of Life” Darwin has conclusive proof, that all life forms are related, it was called “Darwin’s theory” which it was at that time, a theory! DNA had not been invented at that time, but DNA now proves Darwin was right! Do not scoff, until you examine the truth and digest it and you will wonder why the World is in such a mess, when the World could be a living Heaven and not some imaginary Heaven in your mind, where you think you will go when you die, you know what they say at funerals “Ashes to Ashes” there’s a clue, let’s all live together in peace, we have enough problems with nature, floods, droughts, starvation and now global warming, we have much fighting to accomplish, not against each other but against nature, it’s difficult to tame nature, but we have to do our best ! stop killing, we are all going to die sooner or later, the best thing you can do, is to leave this world, a better place, and after many generations, this world will be more like heaven than hell, let’s start NOW

Outline the importance of Genesis 17 for Jewish people today?

Im doing a religion essment and i need info on how abrahams covenant with God is relevant to Jews today

Girls: What do you think of a shy guy going to prom alone in his tux?

there is nothing wrong with going to prom alone- its his prom too and he paid to be there. Maybe hes shy? leave him alone, don't judge

What's the wierdest thing about you?

Mine is I can't watch gory movies with my knees bent, idk why I just feel more breakable. Haha what's yours?

What website can I find fairly simple how-to directions for thawing/preparing a turkey?

I've always had turkey on Thanksgiving at my moms and this year want to give it a try myself. Don't know what temperature, (covered with foil or uncovered?) , and how long to roast.....Not stuffing the bird so just looking for 'basic' directions. Thanks and happy t-giving day to all!

If 70% of the US rejects the job that a Dem controlled Congress is doing how badly will they lose in midterms?

No. Congress didn't have good approval ratings before the 2008 election either and Democrats gained many more seats. I don't think that people will vote for Republicans because Republicans basically have nothing of interest to say. Constant criticism of the other party does not make for viable suggestions as to how to run the government. Also, Republicans did a really poor job when they were in charge.

If you were famous or a security gurd....?

I don't think anybody would get let in without a ticket. If I were the security guard I'd probably tell the band and see what they wanted to do about it.

What is to come after Russia Venezuela and Cuba come together and build a suppose space station ?

Now that Russia has offered to help with billions of dollars to help rebuild Cuba. I think Russia is up to something and I know it is not about exploring space but rather keeping closer tabs on us Americans. Maybe even installing more nuclear bombs.

Lord of the Flies essay topic?

I think your first topic is good, you could also enhance about their "abuse of power," how they are savage and are uncivil and uncoordinated. However, the littluns don't necessarily never show signs of being civil: they are only attracted to a powerful leader, which happens to be Jack, and worship him as a god. You could also talk about examples in which civilization deteoriates throughout the book

Who and what are the illuminatti?

The Illuminati are a group of rich families that run the world. They have secret cameras everywhere and can do anything they want. Get on their bad side, they can make it where you never existed. Get on their good side, you'll live a long life of wealth and happiness. Most people are neither on their good side nor bad side. They're just expendables.

How much are these N64 games worth in CAD?

whats CAD? Well i can buy a used N64 for 10 bucks on my local store so i dont think that they will give you more than 5 bucks


I heard about the two people that found bigfoot in north georgia. i live in tennessee and kinda believe in bigfoot. do i have anything to worry about? if there is such a things as bigfoot, then what is he like? is he nice? what is his diet? is there anything to be scared about? i also want to know about the body of this creature. if there is no bigfoot, then what is this creature that they have captured? im totally freaked out at the moment, because i also saw the pictures in bigfoot in the freezer with the intestines spilling out. im not a person who likes gory things. AT ALL! not even shooting-even if it doesnt harm anyone. i would prefer comedy. so...HELP!

I'm pregnant and trying my hardest to maintain my weight, can you leave a suggestion?

I'm 5 months pregnant and woulld only like to gain 5-10 more lbs, my doctor said that would be fine, but it's hard. How can I do this? Is there any healthy "diet" I can do? I know everyone is going to say walk, but I get so bored with that. I used to like kickboxing and really active stuff my dr. said no more, and I don't have a pool otherwise I'd be doing that... any help?


i say hell yea he is a damn beast! im a die hard texans fan super mario cant be stopped! he will be a beast for years to come. im a die hard texans fan. thoughts and opinions?

What's the difference between a covenant and a treaty?

the difference is this a treaty is a agreement,surrender,ending bind.......but a covenant is a two way promise.where two or more people or groups amke a two way binding contract........please make me a top answer for ten points i wanna have one a those....peace

Friday, August 12, 2011

Which quote is better?

I think the first one is better. You always hear people say the sky is the limit but Brandt Paul's quote reminds me of when people say reach for the stars.

How do I make lip balms with flavours like Skittles, cherry coke, m&ms etc like Lipsmackers?

I really want to make my own homemade lip balms for presents, and rather than just buying them from the shop, I think it would be fun and more thoughtful if I made my own. I really want to make nice flavoured lip balms, but don't know what is needed to make such flavours. Any help is great, thanks :)

In the Great Gatsby what is a courtesy bay?

I'm reading Great Gatsby for lit and I have no clue what a courtesy bay is. It's obviously some sort of bay but why is it called a "courtesy" bay?

Whats the right way to call someone out on their pive aggresion?

Plan a total put-down, then do it in front of the largest number of your group that you can. Completely devastate him. Some people just need to be hit on the head with a BIG sledge hammer before they notice. But make sure it's devastating enough that he'll be walking on his jaw for a week. You don't want him to get up after you hit him. (It might be the biggest favor you can do him - it might wake him up, and turn him into a person people actually don't mind being near.)

Do you think of Chris Benoit as a murderer?

Chris Benoit took the lives of his wife and child. He was a murderer. Period. I think the better question is "Do you REMEMBER Chris Benoit as a murderer"? Personally, that's not the way I remember him. At least, it's not the first thought that comes to my mind. I think of "rabid wolverine", the heads off the top rope of the ring, the grappling, dragging his thumb across his throat with a slashing motion when it was over for his opponent, etc...I remember him as a wrestler first, and as a murderer second.

HUGE boyfriend problems!! please HELP!?

hmm were should i start....well i lost my virginity to my boyfriend because i thought he loved me like he said and i wouldn't of done it if i didn't love him to. but know ever since then hes been acting different. i thought it would actually make us more closer and open but its tearing us apart! he barely ever talks to me, and when im wit him he hardly pays attention to me. he mainly talks abut how/when/where he wants to do it again. i have the feeling hes using me but yet i dint. one time we got into this fight and i told him that my biggest fear was falling in love and he said well ur a little melodramatic and i said ys that and he just said well u humans always make a big deal out of pain, love and **** then i just didn't say anything. lately his phone has been "off" so i cant txt or call him. i have asked people that are really good friends with him if he is just using me and they all said no he would NEVER do that. i really don't wanna break up with him so i wanna know how i can fix it. i don't wanna tell him how i really feel or he might just think im being melodramatic again. someone please help me! :"(

What should include in a college letter?

OK. so i am sending a letter to my future college, but i am only in middle school. I am sending a letter to Los Angeles Film School saying that i want to go there. My sister wrote a letter to her future college and she got a letter from them and a brochure and newspaper. I want to get that ,too. What should i put in the packet? Since I am going for Compute Animation should i put drawings or what? and what do i include in the letter. Thanks for your help!

What did you buy your lo for x-mas ? What is he/ she up to this month?

My Aiden is 9 months he is cruising all around the house and even takes a few steps and sits down he so ready to walk . Me and him have thrush so we started gentian violet treatment yesterday and his whole mouth is bright purple he has been looking in the mirror all day and laughing at his purple mouth and face. lol I bought him alot of pj's and warm winter clothes that he oh so needed. I also filled his stocking up with gerber snacks and I got him a push walker by playschool and some building blocks. His dad still has not started x/mas shopping typical man lol but Im sure he's gonna buy him a big toy he does not need because that's what dad's do. Hope you all have a great xmas and I just like hearing about what the Lo are up to I really don't have any other friends or ppl that like hearing about baby stuff like you guys do :)

How to Reduce Immense Pain caused by Rejection of a Girl whom you Love, Respect and care, a Serious Question?

im lmfaoing cuz im picturing APu from the simpsons saying this in his indian accent but on a more serious note she's just a plainold ***** that thinks she has u in the palm of her hand. either that or shes playing hard to get. just ignore her, either shell come around and realize what a she was or shell wonder why u stopped chasing u and maybe shell start chasing you. i hate girls like that, just ignore her.

How to make this desktop cheaper?

I don't think you realistically can unless you re-use whatever your current monitor and keyboard/mouse. The rest of everything is pretty well priced. You don't really *need* 8gb of RAM, you can get by very easily with 4gb.

Would this be a good deal for the Yankees?

I think this is great. The Yankees are about to impliment the Hughes rules, similar to the Joba rules, which will see him skipping alot of starts, and Lee helps to fill in these spaces. They might even move Javy or Hughes to the bullpen which would help the shakiness. Speaking of shaky bullpens, a guy like Lee who goes 7 innings every start is exactly what the Yankees need to get the ball to Mo. Besides they don't have room for Montero, they already ahve Cervelli and a couple of other good catching prospects. The Yankees are absolutely loaded with catchers. This is nice. Unlike the stupid Rangers who I suffered with all winter, who let guys they don't use rot in the minors, the Yankees unload frozen ets. It's refreshing. Anyway what are your thoughts on the Yankees possibly aquiring Cliff Lee?

A lil help with an essay please (:?

This sounds like a grade 11 or 12 English cl.. Sooo. First of all. Your thesis has to be more specific. pick 1 theme and stick with it. 2nd i'm guessing it's a FORMAL MLA format Essay so you can't speak in first person. so no contractions or "I" or "we" Do not state opinions. Only facts that are arguable and can be backed up. a better route to take is use the protagonists point of view. so and so experienced great sadness and this is present through the course of the novel bla bla. gives speccific boox examples and each bvody paragraph should be talking about a different example and reason why

Has there been a film where all the actors were playing child in dennis potters play THE BLU?

Not sure about film but half of the musical stage production Blood Brothers is adults playing children

What is the value of a (The International One Troy Ounce .999 fine)?

You do not have a coin but what is called a "silver round". It is actually a medal or since it says trade unit it could be clified as a trade token. It indeed is worth the value of the silver in it minus a percentage for dealer profit. It is best to sell this type item when silver is high not now when it is low. At this point it is worth $10 to $14 plus or minus.

Anti-abortionists, do you see how those misleading ad campaigns could be hurting your cause?

they arent my billboards.....I cant control what others do but Im praying every day for Gods kingdom!!

Snapping/Biting teeth during sleep?

My boyfriend, when he sleeps, he constantly snaps his teeth (as in like a crocodile) and makes noises with his mouth almost like hes sucking on the inside of his mouth. He does this all the time and Im really curious, especially the teeth snapping. Ive googled it and the only thing that comes up is 'bruxism' and 'tmj' which do not sound like it at all... I wouldnt of thought it would be any kind of disorder or health problem but I guess its possible... any ideas?

Poll: Elected head of state or Monarchy?

Whatever floats your boat. A monarchy works in Britain; a Presidency works in the US. I have a slight preference for a Presidency, but could comfortably live with either.

Did Yoko Ono Do This on Purpose?

OK. I have heard 2 stories, she met John and fell in love with him and that she camped out of his and cynthia's house all the time and john was high one night and did it with her...... did she do all this just to ruin peoples lives like the little hobo sucker sucking tramp she is?! XD

Atheists and religious believers this is why conversion is hard?

Not to be rude but it just feels like this came from some Psychology text book or article(it's pretty similar to the ones I used to read). As for your explanation on why Atheists and believers doesn't get along, I think what you said doesn't really has to do much with the entire conflict. I'm sorry but it only sounds like you're seeing things only by surface. And if I'm to point out one more thing, this isn't even a question nor is it even a solution for anything.

What would be the bigger trade?

If the Yankees get Felix that's way better. they have the prospects to do so..... Montero. Felix is one of base top pitchers and he is way better than Lee. i think the yankees just signed Mark prior but i doubt he will be major league ready because he did not play since 06. he was supposed to be an ace pitcher but had many injuries

Which computer should i get?

Well to distinguish between these processors you need to be perceptive in regards to what technology has been embedded in the processors compositions. The i7 is sheer brilliance because it has 4 cores to handle moderately demanding to high demanding desires commendably. It's more robust compared to the i5 but it's mostly recommended for intense gaming because it utilizes different components and this may result in excessive heat being extracted from the computer. However the i5 is currently an ideal processor for the moderately demanding needs/desires you have listed the heat may be diminished throughout computer sessions because it doesn't require an abundance of power.Furthermore it's 2 cores vs 4 that's the primary difference between these processors but i5 shall get you exceptional performance and i7 if you have a keen interest in gaming shall perform optimally. All the best :) I recommend the i5 since you aren't going to operate extremely demanding applications.

Is it a Good idea or a Bad idea to "P Judgment" on Others?

I think, like you said, the issue revolves around what you're going to do with that. What your purpose is.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Song by Elton John?

what is the name of the song Elton John sings, where in the video clip, he's walking along a cobbled street wearing a black coat and carrying a cane or umbrella. It's an old song.

Should I get a Zebra Finch bird or a rat?

Definitely a rat. Majority of Zebra Finches (besides hand tamed ones) do not like to be handled. They are small birds and easily frightened. They usually enjoy each others company more so than human interaction. They are strictly a "looksy" bird. If you want to be able to hold and play with your pet, a rat would be best. They are also known to be very intelligent, so I would recommend getting a rat.

How i play my 360 right or wrong (for ppl hu own a 360 b4 sept '07)...?

It is unlikely to overheat. I have an xbox 360 that over the summer I played on average 10 hours a day no breaks in between and it still works like new. You have nothing to worry about. I like mine vertical too. No problems. So don't worry man you're fine.

The print on my computer is suddenly very small. please help the computer illiterate.?

in looking at the different font sizes on the control panel the print appears to be a 12 or less. thank you community for any help.

Can you speak Lebanese?? what does this mean?

lek khayye bil 2amaliyye kibbile nikatak el fiyoun wazen mich tabi3e 3ala el bench press w chiloun sidir bil nede 2inta eh birabbak , bi kaffine 2awzen khayye w TI2IL.

WDYT of, Rate, these combos?

None of them flow well at all and considering we don't know the last name it is hard to "rate" but I'd put them all at the bottom of the list.

Should I snowboard and not ski anymore?

I do both, I'm an expert at snowboarding and intermediate at skiing. I snowboard competitively (racing) and skiing is just kinda my chill time. However, I don't really have much "chill time" as it is, and I guess I'd rather be practicing racing than skiing. I also have to rent skis since I don't go skiing often, so that's an added cost. Should I completely drop skiing?

Compared to mitosis, how many times does a cell divide in meiosis?

Are two separations - anaphase1 the logous chromosomes separate and then in anaphase 2 the chromatids separate resulting in 4 haploid cells.

What are your favorite diet foods?

Im in a bet with my boss. He is 258lbs and about 5'11" and I am 125lbs and 5'2" the bet is who can lose weight faster so it will obviously be lots easier for him so he has to lose 2x's the % I lose. We finished week 1 today (I won yeah!) but need to keep goin strong. Please list your favorite diet foods cooked or bought as I do not have time to cook much other than dinner. Thank you for your help! Brit

Myth or Religion/Belief?

I've always wondered this. I wonder when the Christian creation or virgin birth story will attain Myth status.

Remove Yellow stain!!! (10points best answer)?

i have purchased a grey nike fleece pants, than i sat somewhere not sure where, than my brother realised there is yellow stain in the back of my pant, i tried washing it off but its still there any tips in to removing this stains iv just purchased it as well thanks in advance

Was God eating popcorn during the quakes in china?

Maybe he was flipping through the channels of all the other worlds he was watching, and thought the one here was just too depressing to watch.

Buying sporting event tickets from e-bay/craigslist...?

I want to purchase NFL tickets for a family member for a Christmas gift. I have found that the cheaper tickets are located on sites such as Craigslist or EBay (where there are no fees, taxes, or shipping). How trustworthy is this? Most of them want to e-mail the tickets rather than send hard copies and they all want to use paypal. I am a bit weary of this; how do I know if the tickets are real? Anyone with experience know a little more than I do?

I had a doubt in my head last night, can you help me to solve it?

When I was a bigot in the distant past it was due to ignorance- I wasn't aware of the fact that I was a bigot in fact I thought I was defending my culture and its values against ethnic minorities.

I send u email before to send me email person know email (mama_nooony)?

I only hope is to have a friend who also knows this person. u can give me an email that in (mama_nooony) menger to ask him about her please hlp me i know u can do that

Any suggestions for other bands/musicians that I might like?

Here is a site that has a bunch of great bands that you probably haven't heard. It's a great resource for obscure, unknown and under appreciated bands, but it definitely leans towards punk/grunge and rock. a href="" rel="nofollow"

Creationists: Even if evolution is false, how does that make your particular version of creationism true?

Oh, haven't you heard? An evidential double standard is allowed in Creationism. It's not an investigation into truth for them, it's a competition. They figure that if they "beat" evolution that means they win by default.

Whats the best way to get a stain out of a micro suede couch?

Try a Mr.Clean magic eraser-dry. I clean houses & did this, I could`nt believe how much dirt came off.

Lhasa Apso barking like a manic...?

My Lhasa Apso freaks out when anyone is near my front door, whether it is open or closed. He barks and growls, often scaring people, despite his small size. I know it's because he is "protecting" me, but it's getting out of hand. I can't talk to anyone at the door without him spazzing out. I bought one of those devices that puts of a high pitched sound, hoping it would deter him, but now he just freaks out at that, not really helping the situation...any ideas?

Question about at&t phones (LG Vu)?

I have the LG Vu, but it frezzes a lot and then it turns off randomly. If I call At&t, would there be any chance that I can ask for a different one like the Blackjack II? Would they charge me more? Or should I just get another LG Vu?

Can you recommend a new cartoon to watch?

I have watched most of the shows on cartoon network and the new series that they come up with like 6teen for example are not what I would call cartoons and I just don't like them that much anyways the ones I have watched so far that I do like are ed, Edd n eddy , recess, hey Arnold I'm pretty sure that the shows are over and there not making any new ones and I have looked on wiki were they have a rec link to shows similar to hey Arnold and recess and I have already watched them or I just don't like them so I was hoping if someone knew of a show that was similar in any way or just new episodes to those ones anything really.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Would you trade Brandon Lloyd for Peyton Hillis?

Hell yes if your getting Peyton Hillis for Lloyd. Think what ever you like but there is no way Kyle Orton will continue to throw like his is, the man is on pace for like 5500 yards or something ridiculous, its not happening. Lloyd is good, but he wont be the 3rd or whatever he is best fantasy WR by the end of the year. DeSean is worth more than Hillis, don't listen to the guy who is saying otherwise.

What was the theme of the movie "Lady and the Tramp"?

I having troubles with figuring out the message in this movie and the connections it have with the themes in the 1950's. Any help would be very much appreciated.

A is a matrix of dimension mxn (both large numbers), containing many, many zeros?

Google for "sparse matrix" - this is a data structure which handles the above case. Typically it might use linked lists, e.g. one linked list per row, to allow zero elements to be skipped over.

Can someone make me an outfit?????

ok i like free people and urban outfitters and abercrombie and hollisternjeans and stuff but not plain tee shirts from places like that. and i also really love converse. i like plaid from roxy and other brands from pacsun and i really dont like aeropostale very much.

Just curious what would happen... if an asteroid starting heading towards earth then BAM it hits us?

I heard that when the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs hit, it tered glowing hot ash into the upper atmosphere which which cooked the surface and burned most of the forests. That just addded more dust to the atmosphere, which caused a nuclear winter effect that probably lasted for decades.

How does a paper trail from a voting machine undermine or compromise the secret ballot?

Many of the machines used in recent years have a data port that uses an electronic card that stores the votes cast. It was proven that these storage cards could and do have hidden programs to tilt the votes cast to favor whoever pays the most. Check the link for more details.

10 EASY POINTS!!!!!!!1?

I'm guessing it's because they don't as a rule pardon traitors and murderers. Which particular crime do you think they should pardon him for?

Sri Lanka's bowling attack?

What happned to sri lanka's bowling attack. Is it just because they are debueing new bowlers leaving out the masters. During the world cup season they had the best bowling in the world. Now the worst in a sense. When will they settle down for an established team, leaving out the new players who don't perform.

Where can I find Proposition 203 for Arizona's medical marijuana proposition?

I need to find the bill called Proposition 203 for Arizona's medical marijuana proposition. It is going to be voted on November 2nd next month and I really want to know what the bill states about medical marijuana. Can anyone help me find this information? In 1996 and 1998 Arizona tried to p a bill for medical marijuana but the wording was wrong and it didn't go through either time. So check for a date on the bill if you happen to find it. Thank you so much for your help!

Can anyone cite any specific examples of a "liberal bias" in the news media?

Conservatives and Authoritarians have been telling me for the past 25 years that there is a "liberal/left-wing bias" in the "mainstream" news media. Not only have I neglected to notice this alleged bias, I am also very skeptical whether it is possible for a major news organization to systematically staff their newsrooms with individuals who are required to conform to a particular political ideology. I think there is a bias in the news media, but I think the bias can be described as "simplicity," "irrelevancy," and "poor selectivity," but certainly not "liberal." Please respond with specific examples of this allegedly widespread liberal bias.

When is the end of the world?

some1 said somthing to me about an aztec calendar she said smthin about the end is going to be 2012 or sumthing like thet..wat is she talking about

Skateboarding advice?

Okay I suck at skateboarding but I bet my friend that I could do more tricks by the next day. Anyone know some easy tricks to learn so I can win that beat. PS I already tried the ollie and the manual failed at both

If its between 45-63 degrees out, what should I wear?

Dress warm enough so that you are not cold and in layers so that you can remove clothing if it gets to warm and put it back on if you get chilled again.

Don't want my BF Brother near my child?

My Boyfriends older brother has been a to me since day 1 of our Relationship. First it was my age i'm 30 & he is 22. Then we got engaged after 2 months which was after a big car crash which we both escaped unhurt thankfully. We both realised we never want to be apart. We are together 3 years now and his brother always has something to say. I'm also 4 months pregnant with my first child. This is our 4th pregnancy (1 ectopic pregnancy & 2 Miscarriages). This guy is so childish he's even resorted to threatening me because my boyfriend took his GF off facebook as a friend apparantly thinking i made him do so. We have had confrontations which haven't been too nice so i have stopped visiting my future in-laws because of this, every time i visit he has a tantrum and starts to abuse me. It's got to the stage were i have had panic attacks and i am worried about how things are going to be when i have my baby. I know he's my BF brother but I hate this guy so much he's made my life a living hell and don't want him near my child. He threatens me then texts my boyfriend after & is all nice. I think it's a bit f****** up.This is a guy who smokes , drinks & never works. I have considered giving up my relationship because of this but why should i ruin my happiness i love my boyfriend so much. Somebody please give me advice i told my mother i don't want my child subjected to that kind of behaviour and have said to my boyfriend that his parent's can come see the child at our house. My job as a mother is to protect my child is it not?? I have considered going to a solicitor also to get a letter sent to him for slander

Would it be a bad idea to change my name?

I thought about changing my name too. I don't really like mine so much either, but instead of changing it, find some ways to spice it up! People could call you Martie, Mara, or Marie! Your name was given to you special, from your grandmother. I was named after my aunt, but I am not going to change it, because is it unique.

Is the Kentucky Derby an abuse to animals?

Horse were not made to run excessively. The weight of their bodies causes fracture to their legs and they ultimately are put seen in the Derby race today where the horse broke both leg ankle bones and had to be shot.

Am I too "conservative" to be a Democrat?

Stay with the Democrats. While there are some nice flowery words in there, I's say in general you are a lot more of a "Statist" than you let yourself realize. There Democrats that believe as you do. Fewer today than in years past.

A woman go,s into a s.e.x shop.?

she asks "can i see your selection of vi.brators please" the shop istant points to the appropriate shelf. the woman says " oo can i have the large scotch plaid one please."no" he replys " thats my thermos flask".

During the age of exploration, what explorers used enslaved Africans on their travels?

During the of European exploration, what explorers brought enslaved Africans with them on their travels?

Is luck determined by your thoughts?

This is a weird occurrence but every time i think "its gonna be a good day today" in the morning, good things actually happen and likewise with "its gonna be a bad day". Does anyone else experience this?

Im so confused please help? x?

This lad at school like/liked me I'm not sure and he was always sweet to me and lookinbg in my eyes and everything but toaday him and his mates starting taking the mess out of me and laffing ar mw I felt lke a toatal idiot foe liking him and now I don't no if he. Likes me at all err boys do my nut in hah thankyou so much for your help means allot :) xxx

How can you get someone of your back who doesn't understand a thing about how it fells after you lose a lot?

where i live their is a staff person as will all that live her that do,nt understand,s a thing what it is like at all . all they do is put down and make fun.

Video Card Question?

Im surprised you didnt stick with the Nvidia brand......*psssh* kids today have no brand loyalty lol but yes you will for RCT 3 but probally not Empire because its older

Oysters: Can you cut?

we bought small oysters (in container) to make oyster Po Boys. They appeared to be extremely large. Can you cut, or will you ruin the oyster if you cut before cooking?

Did Saddam have WMD's?

a href=""…/a

Any symbolic self portrait ideas?

do a still life of things like a graduation cap, a favorite drinking gl (or red solo cup lol with ping pong ball), maybe a memento from someone special in your life, or something that means a lot to you. A hobby, band, pet?

Are oysters/marshmallows hallal?

are they? what about marshmallows. some ppl say that marshmallows can be allowed since, while in the chemical process, the meat is gone or something?

What was the name of this John Hughes-esk movie?

OK, this movie was made something in the early 2000s, I think; it had a decent-sized cast, about 8 regulars. It was basically what would happen to John Hughes characters when they hit their late twenties to early thirties: alcoholics and druggies. The premise was a woman and her fiancee were trying to sell her parent's home, and for shits and giggles she invites a bunch of her old high school friends for a party at the house. From there it's stories about the characters, from who they slept with last to who slept with who first; there's a scene in a hot-tub, someone gets arrested for drunk/high driving, two characters have a deep moment at a football field. The main character's younger brother sells vintage action figures out've his basement to make extra money while his sister thinks he's selling drugs. It's gonna bother me until I remember the title. Music was a big deal, there were constant arguments about "the best song ever.", at one point over a game of pool.

A testcross consists of a cross?

of an organism of dominant phenotype but unknown genotype to an individual that is zygous recessive for that trait.

Whats the red teenage mutant ninja turtles name?

I know there's Michael Angelo, Leonardo and thats it. I know the red one starts with a "r" but I don't know the name. I really don't care for the yellowish-orange one but you could give me that name too. DON'T ASK WHY I LIKE THE TMNT! iTS AN INSIDE JOKE WITH ME AND MY FRIENDS!

Antivirus for macbook?

Apple updates system software, which includes firewall and security features, but it does not contain anti-virus software. However, you can purchase Norton Anti-virus for the Mac from Symantec, or you can download the free ClamXav, which should be all you need.

DOES HE LiKE ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

ok! so there's this guy i have a MAJOR crush on. i'm 17, he's 15. but he acts so strange around me sometimes! like the other day i saw him in the neighborhood and i went to go say hi and he pushed me into the dirt?.. but then a few hours later, he was texing me flirty things like "aye lubb yeww& ur iiness! ;)" he's super cute and I really like him but when i try to hug him he starts to punch me and stuff. I dont understand why he texts me so nice but likes to hit me. so one day i decided to kiss him on the cheek to show him i liked him n he started screaming and fell to the ground convulsing. I got scared n tried to hug him to confort him he fainted.... so i ran away n left him there. I cant get those texts out of my head. Is he insecure about his age or what? Idk what to do???

What would you think if you witnessed the following incident?

Like the Harvard professor that was arrested, some people do not give all the facts or know all the facts. There is a problem of paranoia in this country. Obviously, someone used their cell phone to call the cops because some old dude was taking pictures, and of course if he was in a park that contained children, whilst taking the pictures, he is umed, a pedophile. He did not commit a crime, but the police did commit one and I would have protest loudly. It was harment on from a false umption from some idiot that did not want to take time to engage the photographer in conversation about his interests. So, so, so very sad. Big Brother, Baby.

And old alien film where the aliens were under the sand i think it was a black and white film?

the would stick a giant needle like thing in the back of the neck and aver one that was "probed" said they caught it on barbed wire. also the children would sink into the sand which made their parents/adults run after them.

Why does keyboard type numbers instead of letters? can bios fix this?

i hooked my laptop up to the tv prior to that my keyboard was fine now that i have a new router i'd like to use the laptop for what it is used for but now certain letters m,j,k,l and i all type numbers instead of the letter it represents. how can i fix this i've tried num/lk and fn keys and to no avail. would bios fix this when booting if so how do i do it?

What kind of relationship do we have?

Do you really have to ask? You've got someone who seems to genuinely care for you despite what ever disease you have, that's very priceless! Enjoy it for as long as possible and give thanks to God for putting this person in your life at this time.

Is it safe for 14 year old girls to be standing at a concert?

ok so next time MCR tour in the UK i will be seeing them again, thing is i want to be standing this time cos its more closer to the stage and the tickets are cheaper, but i heard about mosh pits and injurys so now im slightly worried:P whats your oppinion on it all?

Copyrights, Trademarks, included in my novel? Legal/NOT?

You can't claim as a trademark a name already used, whether or not it has been formally registered as a trademark or product name. I wouldn't fret--go ahead and write. Worry about it later when and if publication becomes an issue.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Can this Laptop Run football manager 2009?

Yep i'm fairly certain it will run fine, your graphics card might cause a few problems however i strongly doubt it, if i were you i would get it

How much would it cost for my tshirt to be altered?

Jess,if you have any dry cleaners near you,most of them will do alterations,I would say that it may run close to $10.00,not really sure,I'm only taking a guess.Tomb Raider.

Chemistry 139 question?

The density of a solution of sulfuric acid is 1.29g/cm^3, and it is 38.1% acid by m. What is the m, in grams, of 25.0 mL of sulfuric acid?

What do you think of my poem?

ha ha ha anyone would die from getting something stuck up their bum. ouch! strictly exit only. pretty interesting though.

What is a good face mask?

I have oily/combination skin with occasional inflamed pimples and huge, visible pores, especially on my nose and checks. I've been using the Pro-Active Refining Mask that came free with my kit and I like it, But I'm running out and I want to try something new. Any recommendations?

Do you think I should get a raptor 250?

Im 13 going on 14 and 130 pounds.About 5 foot probably not to grow taller then 5'6'' because of family traits.I plan on using it to just ride around trails/fields and those times when you need to go fast.(which is always) My friend has a 250 and it fits him great he's 135pounds and 5'7'' and 14.My brother-in-law has a 2001 blaster and he's about 32 and it fits him well.There is a Yamaha dealer called orff's Yamaha/Kawasaki and they have 2008 raptor 250 brand-new for $2375.00 and by the end of the summer i will have just enough to get it.There is no way i could afford a 350 raptor or a yfz 450 because im buying this on my own.Im very experenced with dirtbikes and quads but im to short to get a ttr 125 because im 5 foot.

How can I answer email as the moderator using the group's email?

the group only has incoming e-mail- you cannot e-mail from it. Yahoo groups recognizes you by your yahoo ID/ e-mail address, and that's what you must use to post as a moderator or member of your group. you can create a new account and join again, and use that as moderator if you want- or just sign the e-mail "moderator"

How to solve this imperfect square root?

need help solving for imperfect square roots for my homework, and I have a test for it soon. I have to simplify the sq. root of 378. and i need to simplify the sq. root of 72. If you could, can you explain how to do this so i know how to do it from now on. Basically I need a step by step process on how to simplify the sq. root of 378.

Is the International Rules series a Joke?

i think the international rules games are great. but the other year when there were brawls, i thought that was absolutely disgraceful though

Any David Lynch fans on here?

er yeah i don't go on this section much but David Lynch is my favourite filmmaker ever. if you are a fan, which is your favourite Lynch film and why?mine is probably Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me

My budgie is getting eruptions on the side of the beak.i dont know what it is.please help me?

Your budgie has scalyface mites. It is advanced to a stage where you cannot treat with anything from a pet store. You need ivermectin from the vet. It is uaully applied by a spot on the back of the birds neck. It will make a huge difference within a fortnight.

How to retrieve IMs that were deleted few months ago? is it possible?

Once deleted they are gone, for the future go to and click messenger, then scroll to and click Preferences. On the side menu click Archives. You can check the box to keep them there. Then click Apply and ok.

Female self-defense advice?

has anyone ever taken a woman's self-defense course before? I'm interested in learning to fight for safety, but I sometimes feel like the basic self-defense cles might be a little more bogus than, say, jiu-jitsu. so I dunno. are they fun? informative? is regular kickboxing or something better?

How do i make a homemade rock pool in my garden?

I'm thinking of digging a hole and lining with plastic sheeting and then filling the hole with rocks and pebbles and then finally water...will this present any problems?

Quels biens apporteraient l‘éradication de la Croyance pour l‘humanité:?

as far as I can translate this I agree with you but we cannot rip peoples defence system away from them it has to happen naturally unicorns fairies and gods exist for people out of need maybe there is something they are not getting from society which is filled by these fabled entities- Until we bridge the gap with something like loving each other as the story goes maybe there will always be a need for beliefs

How to know if Grafting is Successful?

last 3 days ago I had done my grafting project by grafting a tea rose and a Poland rose. We put it on a side where it's shady and the sun seldom shines there. So It went perfectly fine until yesterday I noticed that it started to have horizontal lines, it was still hard and not decaying as i touched it but I'm pretty sure that it's dying. I did four and so far only 2 has started to have visible horizontal lines, so I don't want the other two to be like that so what should I do? Where Did I go wrong? Am Should I put it in a sunny area?Please Help! I'm really desperate!

A problem with my heart?

Please go to your GP/ doctor as this could be serious! They will most likely give you an E.C.G which is a scam of your heart. It willshow them what the problem is.

THE CHOCOLATE WAR! u have a few questions that need to be answerd bc i dont get the book....?

The Chocolate War is a great book, but I don't think I'll help you because your comments to Tiffany indicate that you're a first-cl ******.

How to get back ex gf who feel guilty on me for her betrayal?

bro, if she did it once, she gonna do it again. sure, she feel bad now but once that wear off she gonna be ******** another dude as soon as you turn your back. not worth the risk.

Can previous employers call other companies to dissuade them from hiring me?

I am a specialty pharmacist in California. I left company A, with a non compete contract (Non enforceable here in California). As I am looking for jobs in our area (Small community), Company A has been calling prospective pharmacies telling them they have no business talking to me much less hire me because I have a non compete contract in this specialty pharmacy area (compounding). This is harming my chances at earning a living. So my question is...what law are they breaking? They are telling them that I have a non complete clause (Which is technically true, but illegal in CA)..slander?? They are providing this information without even being solicited (e.g. job reference). Thanks for any help/

Has a teacher ever told u they cant tell that u r a very intellingent student...?

or u r disrespectful to all teachers, u don't know how to act just because u laughed at a pretty funny joke. this is what happened in school we had a sub so someone did something really funny and u laughed but u werent the only 1, so she told u to get out but gave me another chance, later on in the day we have free time so i am talking to a friend and i laughed and the lady says i am watching u i almost put u out the girl told her how i am and the lady said i cannot tell because that is not how gifted student( the students who had more intellect) and i disrespect all teachers and i do not know how to act. so what should i do let it go or tell her how i feel!

What's the General Term for the Fibonacci Sequence? Can anyone give me a site that teaches Number Sequences?

I need this TODAY. Please help me. Leonardo Fibonacci made this sequence, how do you solve it? How do find the next term? An?

Why cant i ollie at all?

Ive been trying for a long time.looked up videos told my friend to show me but i cant. When i try i land with my front foot on the board but my back foot just stays there and ends up on the ground.can someone helP me??

Do you think this is a good argument for Christians?

Send you friend to and then gently explain why if he is naive enough to fall for an urban legend you can not be compelled to take his claims seriously.

Surfer lovers here?

okay... so i went to nyc the other day... and i went to the store roxy. adn there was a poster of these 3 guys... Who i believe were pro surfers. The one i wanna find is the one in the middle. He has blonde hair. young. His initials were jw i think. DOES ANYONE KNOW WhO I AM TALKING ABOUT. if you do. well you know what to do. Thanks

Explain how socialism can work...?

socialism or two people that don't wanna do anything and live off their rich , when the rich run out of money of supporting these plans there will be collapse that's what the world order wants for united states to fail and were being led down the role and nobody understands it in our government is a figure there be spared .

Steven Seagal farted in my gym, so the whole place closed down. Can I sue?

So Steven Seagal laid a rotten egg in my local gym and as a result the whole place got shut done. Am I able to sue him for vandalizing property? This isn't the first time he's done it too. Many times he just drops a huge doodie on the bathroom floors and leaves a trail of hershey squirts. He's ruining my business!

Monday, August 8, 2011

How much do you remember your team on your 1st year you watched them? Details inside->?

I don't go back that far. I started watching in the 80s. I remember Mattingly, Griffey Sr, Randolph, Guidry, Niekro, Righetti, Henderson, Meacham even (and he was our third base coach last year), Winfield, Wynegar, Baylor, Piniella, Kemp and the rest of those guys. I started watching in 84, so the first manager I saw was Yogi Berra.

How can i get back out in the world?

ok first off i have depression, i would like to ask you guys for some help, how can i get my life back, im taking medications and i was on drugs from highschool til i was 20, now i just quit all that, i dont hang with those people anymore, but even with my medication for depression i still feel like everybody is looking at me, everytime somebody laughs i think its about me, what do i tell a girl if i like her? i dont have much going for me now, and what i had going for me before was worse, but atleast i had "friends"..i dont want to relapse, everytime im talking to somebody they can like see i was a druggy, theyll say are you high sometimes, do you do this and that, me going to the gym is keeping me sane but people any tips on how togetting my life back together would be great, thank you guys so much....

What purpose does it serve to use religious labels?

We all wear many labels---woman, wife, mother, Ph.D., Greek Orthodox Christian, Greek-American, Chicagoan, etc.---and no label can 'tell it all' about anyone. But saying you are "an ex-Christian and an atheist" tells us *something* about you. Our human minds are always clifying; why does that bother you.

If the US President was elected by the House of Representatives would you still support the Electoral College?

This has not happened since 1824, once before in 1800, but if the winner of the popular vote losing (1824, 1876, 1888, 2000) and the electoral college not reflecting the closest of the popular vote couldn't do it. Well in 1968 (popular vote Nixon wins by 500,000 votes but wins the Electoral College 301 to 191, 46). This lead to a proposed amendment to have run-off elections failed in the Senate due to small states wanting to keep the EC. Would a President Elected the House of Representative be the breaking point for the general American public.

Any good ideas for small presents?

if they dont have a fancy cake planned out yet,maybe u should order a big cake in the shape of a giant tennis racket or tennis ball........sorry,thats the only thing that i can think of right now......i hope u think of something!

Why am I STILL so ridiculously Infatuated with a girl despite knowing I'll never be In Love With her?

Infatuation and love are two entirely different things. I'm infatuated with Jessica Biel but I don't love her. Well of course I've never met her either. Lust (infatuation) is a physical thing where as love is an emotional connection. So enjoy your infatuation - most of the time it's harmless. Now when you do fall in love you might want to put aside that infatuation. LOL